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FP Jareeda

Volume 13, Issue 01

May 2019

Dr. Hezam Al Awah, Director of Foundation Program

Welcome to FP Jareeda

As the director of the Founda-

tion Program, I would like to

welcome you to the Foundation

Program’s quarterly newsletter,

FP Jareeda. FP Jareeda is a

platform which will highlight the

outstanding work of the Foun-

dation Program. Within FP Jar-

eeda, we hope to showcase the

many achievements and hard

work of our faculty, staff, and


This has been a busy year in

the Foundation Program, but

the highlights are our 10-year

CEA reaccreditation for the

Foundation Program Depart-

ment of English and the crea-

tion of a standardized place-

ment test for the Foundation

Program Department of Math.

These are proud moments for

our department.

I wish to thank the hard work of

Roger Barlow and the members

of the accreditation committee

as well as those who have con-

tributed to the reaccreditation

of our department. I also wish

to thank the hard work of Dr.

Rhouma, the team who created

the placement test, and the

Qatar University Testing Center.

Going forward, this newsletter

is open to all Foundation Pro-

gram faculty, staff, and stu-

dents to share their experienc-

es and insights. In this issue,

you will find articles on the 5


Entrepreneurial Showcase

Event, the history of the Foun-

dation Department, and the

Cultural Awareness Project. In

addition, student work from the

Foundation’s Integrated Core

Intermediate course is show-


CEA Reaccreditation

Roger John Barlow, Lecturer of English, Foundation Program

The Foundation Program De-

partment of English (FPDE) is

extremely honored to have

been granted a 10-year reac-

creditation of their intensive

English course that prepares

undergraduates to pursue Eng-

lish medium degrees. The ac-

creditation is provided by the

Commission on English Lan-

guage Program Accreditation

(CEA), the official United States

organization based in Alexan-

dria, Virginia, USA.

In celebrating the achievement,

the Dean of General Studies,

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Kaabi affirmed,

“The reaccreditation of the

Foundation English Program

highlights the professionalism

of Foundation program man-

agement and the efforts of fac-

ulty and staff in complying with

demanding international


Dr. Hezam Al-Awah, Director of

the Foundation Program said,

“This re-accreditation by CEA

indicates the quality of the

English Foundation program

and FPDE and it endorses their

credibility. Achieving accredita-

tion was the result of long ef-

forts and hard work to suc-

cessfully comply with the inter-

national standards of the CEA.”

In this Issue

In Memoriam: Robert

Kennedy 1958 - 2018


5th Entrepreneurial

Showcase Event


Qatar University Math-



The Cultural Aware-

ness Project


The Pillars of Math



The Alqabas Program:

A University Experi-



A Foundation Stu-

dent’s Sample Report


The History of the

Foundation Program—

Part I


Banana Island: A

Place to Remember


FPDE Off-road Excur-

sion to Ras Abrouq




Heat Stress


Dr. Hezam Al Awah