Page 23 - Continuing Education Office - catalog 12-13

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Motivation and Classroom Practices:
Designed for educators to learn procedures to increase
students’ motivation, and ways to develop a behaviour
management plan. This course explains how to identify
learned helplessness in students and illustrates ways to
deal with it in the classroom. Through this course,
educators will learn about instructional planning and
delivery and gain understanding of the principles and
strategies for developing and maintaining an e ective
classroom environment.
Special Education Program Level 1:
Explains the major principles of special and inclusive
education. De nition and signi cant characteristics of
intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities and
emotional and behavioural disorders are summarized in
this course, as well as strategies for classroom
management and teaching students with learning
disabilities e ectively.
Special Education Program Level 2: Describes the major
approaches for teaching students with intellectual
disabilities e ectively. Cognitive behavioural approaches
for e ectively teaching students with attention
de cit/hyperactivity disorders is explored in this course.
Also examined and outlined are approaches for teaching
reading, writing, and mathematics e ectively to students
with learning disabilities at the preparatory and
secondary levels, as well as principles of applied
behaviour analysis.
Action Research in Schools:
Exposes school practitioners to the principles of action
research, examining the process of doing action research
in schools, planning, implementing research
methodologies and analyzing and re ecting on the
results and practice. The workshop will encourage school
teachers and school administrators to investigate their
own professional practices and expose teachers to ways
in which they can plan, design, perform, take action, and
re ect on their teaching practices.
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